We are a Non-Profit 501c 3 Organization, Pilots for Christ gives HOPE to those without hope. We provide FREE Compassion flights, Compassion ground transportation and prayer for each of our travelers.
Since 2005 we have received thousands of calls and requests for urgent transportation, many are non-ambulatory and need to lie down.
We PROVIDE when others cannot. Short notice, long distance. We are here for them! Medical, Hospice, Pastors, Missionaries (within North America)
Satan does not take time off. Compassion and love are needed. We show that love with FREE Compassion air transportation! Compassion ground transportation, Hospice, Pastors, Missionaries, Mission trips, spreading the Gospel to everyone we come in contact with. Many on the brink of Eternity!
It possible only with the help of people moved with compassion to assist those who cannot help themselves. With our aircraft we can virtually transport anyone to distant locations, like; Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson (Houston,TX), Cleveland Clinic, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Bahamas We also must never forget the rural areas that NEED our services to arrive at cancer treatment centers, and advanced medical facilities, as mentioned above. This can only happen through you!
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, we come humbly before asking for your compassion, strength and most of all your will to help those around us that, most of all need Jesus Salvation and secondly your healing hand upon them. Lord in your mercy please provide, your Holy Spirit, healing and comfort, and above all Your Will be done, In Jesus Christs' name. Amen
Thank you and God Bless